
I Could Tell Ya But I'd Have To Kill Ya, OHIO, United States
I'm back from the gathering! Visit my webpage and click on The Gathering link. JESUS FREAK = me but i am also a huge star wars fan, baseball player,fan, and collector, and Dog Lover

Apollo's Chariot

Apollo's Chariot
Has The Most Feet Of Total Drop In The World.... And I Rode It

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Devil's Advocate: A Defense Of Barry Bonds

Ok, lets talk about Barry Bonds. When he hits his 755th and 756th home runs many people will scoff at the accomplishment. But let's look at his career compared to Hank Aaron's the steroid issue aside. Henry Aaron played 23 seasons and Bonds is in the middle of his 22nd season. Seems fairly even, but looking at some key stats you have to realize that Bonds did what Aaron did with less oppurtunities. For example, in his career, Bonds currently has 9767 at-bats. Aaron had a whopping 12364 at-bats! Say they average 500 at-bats a season, that is 5 seasons worth of at-bats more for Aaron over Bonds. Also, in his career Aaron was walked 1402 times. Bonds has walked 2536 times! It's fair to assume that many/most of those walks were intentional. So that's over 1,000 more oppurtunities to hit a home run for Aaron. Aaron has had many more oppurtunities to hit home runs, but Bonds is coming close to passing him with many less oppurtunities. He obviously has had a great career.
In his career, Bonds has hit 745 home runs, had 1979 RBI's, and stolen 554 bases. Steroids aside, how can you say that Barry Bonds is not a great player?

source: www.baseball-refrence.com

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Yippie Ki Aye

Wooooooooooooo I saw Live Fre or Die Hard with KShaw on tuesday and it rocked!!! The plot was amazingly intruiging and the action was completely spectacular. It's about NYPD officer John McClane and his quest to save the USofA from these computer hackers that are trying to take down the country by firesale (everything must go). They take out the transportation and the economy and then McClane saves everyone. Pretty Sweet. The sweetest part is when McClane was driving his cop car towards a hellicopter and then he jumped out and ran it into a post and it flew up and hit the copter and blew it up.
... ill coninue this later

Sunday, July 8, 2007

What If Obi-Wan Died.

I'm sure that all of us Star Wars fans have always wondered what would have happened... What would have happened if Qui-Gon had been the one safe in the energy shield? What if Qui Gon was the one screaming nooooooooooooooooo!!!! as Obi-Wan was chopped in half by Darth Maul? What if Qui-Gon was the one who went into a one on one battle with Darth Maul and slew the Dark Apprentice?
What Would Have Changed If Qui-Gon Was Around When Anakin Was Turning?????
JFREAK'S OPINION: Anakin begins his descent into the abyss that is the Dark side. Palpatine tells him the story of Darth Plagieus and then Anakin tells Qui-Gon. Qui, Anakin, and Mace confront Palpatine. They capture him and take him in, but he escapes. He rallies his troops of clones and orders Obi, Qui, Annie, and all Jedi killed.
I really want all of your guys thoughts on this comment
MTFBWY-May the force be with you.

Friday, July 6, 2007

My Birthday!!!!

Spent the nite at grandma sue's (i had to help with her garage sale) and went home this morning. After her hard working yesterday (i never knew that my grandmother would have the capacity to overwork her adorable grandsons ;) i slept well. We woke up in the mornng and watched sportscenter (reliving the Detroit Massacre) then we had GMA's delicious eggs. Joe is coming to lunch with Mom, Jeremy, Cathy, and Me to Yours Truly Woot Woot !!!!!!!!!
*To be continued

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Fantastic Movie ... but JFreak has some complaints

The Fantastic Four was a great movie. I liked it and I would recommend it to anyone. The plot was well thought out, the action was exciting, and the special effects were breathtaking. I especially enjoyed the Silver Surfer's rise back into humanity (by saving Sue Storm) and the way that Johnny felt the need for a real companion. (not like his normal shallow girl(s) that he has on his arm (s)). Johnny defenitly had to deal with himself much more than he would've liked. The action was simply spectacular. The combined power Johnny was a special fx masterpiece!!! The planet eating monster was cool too.
Things I Didn't Like: The Silver Surfer's christ like pose when saving the planet was questionable. It could have been just a "hero" pose, but it sure looked like a Jesus thing(and the SS is nowhere near as cool (so much more than cool amazing, beautiful lifesaving... check him out) as Jesus). I also think that the makers of these movies need to stop showing scantily clad (when she started undressing when she was invisible and her invisibility stoppe when she was just in her underwear in FF 1) or not clad (in Rise of the Silver Surfer) scenes of Jessica Alba (or is it Simpson... Lopez, Beil????) as u can tell not the pop culture guy. What I really loved about this movie was that it ACTUALLY somewhat FOLLOWED A COMIC BOOK PLOTLINE Great Movie!!!

I am tired so i have to go to sleep.... remind me to post a rant about the atrocious superman returns and batman movies.
*It will say that I posted this at 10:00 but it is actually 11:00

Sunday, July 1, 2007

JFreak's Thoughts On The Tribe 2

The Coco Crisp trade worked out horribly too come to think of it. Even more so than the KK trade (see JFreak's Thoughts On The Tribe) We could have a solid oufield (crisp in left, grady in center, casey in right) and a good infield. (KK at third, Jhonny at short, Ronnie at second, and Gark at first with PRONK at DH and V-mar behind the plate!!!!) I mean i had to admit that Marte looked like he was going to be good. THey called him "can't miss", I would have considered the trade, but in the end, I wouldn't trade coco for a prospect. On The Bright Side... Cliff Lee Is Pitching Well Today(as of now)!!!!